
‘Shifting shades of light: stories from the North Pole’
Location: TNO Soesterberg, Kampweg 55, The Netherlands
Date: November 23-February 22

“TNO is the biggest innovative organisation of the Netherlands, helping businessess and society with applied research. One of it’s focus areas is the energy transition, in which TNO plays an important role as innovation partner. We’re happy to show Arcticography in the centre of where energy reasearch is taking place!”

Tegenlicht Meet Up Utrecht: de Aarde draait door
Location: Centrale Bibliotheek Utrecht, The Netherlands
Date: December 17

Watch the video stream of the meet up

‘Shifting shades of light: stories from the North Pole’
Location: TNO Leiden, Schipholweg 77-84, The Netherlands
Date: September 10-November 19

‘Fragile Latitudes’
Location: Step Gallery in Tempe, AZ
Date: September 13-29

‘Shifting shades of light: stories from the North Pole’
Location: EXbunker, Julianapark Utrecht, The Netherlands
Date: July 7-29

“In the middle of summer, EXbunker takes you to the North Pole. In this installation, you will meet the inhabitants of this remarkable place of earth. Discover their personal stories in a transforming landscape affected by climate change and the change of seasons. The installation transforms during the day – from light to darkness – in which fragments, images, and experiences from the high Arctic are illuminated. Meet the inhabitants and feel how tangible climate change is.”